Someone once said that
"a terrorist is just a school boy trying to get the attention of the world
through threat."
But in our world
today, we are faced with a whole lot of fear of the UNKNOWN, from
insecurity, to different outburst.
I can recall once
upon a time my landlord said that his house has burglary and
so thieves cannot find their way into his house. well, I laughed inwardly and
said “Sir, let’s just pray to God that thieves don’t see or remember your
house because if they do, it will not be funny.” I said that knowing that
in this age and time with the level of technology or artificial intelligence
merged with natural intelligence, how on earth is it possible for him to think
his house cannot be burgled. On the other hand, I looked at his age and
how he sees life.
Moving forward,
security of our client, is one of our key goals at Verbum Networks. We are
not just there to build websites, CCTV, VSAT, Internet Connections to mention
but a few, but we ensure that as you stay connected to our
network, you are free from cyber space threats coming from hackers. We
provide high standard gadgets to serve you the length of time, we monitor and
manage your domain space to ensure you get FIRSTCLASS unwavering support of our
Our topnotch gadgets
and services keeps you on our first class treat and we give our client 100%
assurance that even when there is blood on the streets, YOU can still buy
properties…hahahaha. Why don’t you just close your eyes, sleep and let us
stay awake for you effortlessly.
We full ground… we dey
The big question is: